For Graph-structured Data

Graphs are a general language for describing and analyzing entities with relations/interactions. Examples include social networks, biological networks, power grid, scene graphs, knowledge graphs, and similarity graph induced from a data matrix.

Fig. 187 Real-life graphs and networks

Why studying graphs?

  • Necessity

    To model complex systems, we need to under stand how the underlying networks behind them.

  • Advantage

    Complex domains (knowledge, text, images, etc) have a rich relational structure, which can be represented as a relational graph. By explicitly modeling relationships we achieve better performance!

  • New approaches

    Modern ML models is designed for simple sequences & grids. We need new ML models to that take graphs as input, which

    • have arbitrary size and complex topological structure (i.e., no spatial locality like grids

    • no fixed node ordering or reference point

    • often dynamic and have multimodal features

    Fig. 188 Modern ML models is designed for simple sequences & grids


Tasks can lie in different level of a graph.

Fig. 189 Tasks taxonomy in ML for graphs

  • Node classification

    • Predict the label of a node

    • Example: Categorize online users / items

  • Node embeddings

    • Similar nodes on a graph are close in the embedding space

    • Methods: DeepWalk, Node2Vec

  • Link prediction

    • Static graphs: predict whether there are missing links between two nodes

    • Dynamic graphs: Given fixed \(N_v\), predict new edges in the next stage

    • Example: Knowledge graph completion, recommender systems, adverse side effect of drugs (impossible for real experiment)

  • Clustering

    • Detect if similar nodes form a community with densely link

    • Example: Social circle detection

  • Graph classification

    • Categorize different graphs

    • Example: Molecule property prediction

  • Other tasks

Fig. 190 Illustration of AlphaFold

Toolkit and Codebase:

  • PyTorch Geometric (PyG)

  • DeepSNAP: Library that assists deep learning on graphs.

    • Flexible graph manipulation, standard data split pipeline, …

  • GraphGym: Platform for designing Graph Neural Networks.

    • Modularized GNN implementation, simple hyperparameter tuning, flexible user customization

  •, NetworkX


  • ML + Graphs

    • Stanford CS244W: Machine Learning with Graphs [link]

  • Theory

    • Lingyuan Lu: Selected topics in spectral graph theory [link]

    • John D. Cook: Ten spectral graph theory posts link

  • More application using graphs and networks

    • National Research University Higher School of Economics: Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks, Winter-Spring 2015 [link]

Fig. 191 Venn diagram of graph-related theories: I = spectral graph theory, II = random graph theory, III = random matrix theory. [Lingyuan 2014]