LP on Max-flow and Min-cut¶
LP-flow and LP-cut¶
Consider the path-defined flow. We can view each \(f(P)\) as a variable. Then the optimization problem
is equivalent to the max-flow problem. Call this LP-flow problem.
Note the number of paths \(\left\vert \mathcal{P} \right\vert\) is exponential to the graph size. Let’s consider the dual.
Let the multipliers be \(\boldsymbol{y}\), where \(y_e\) is the multiplier for constraint of edge \(e\). Note that in the primal, the coefficients of \(f(P)\) in the objective function and each constraint are \(1\). Hence, the dual is
One can image there is a matrix \(\boldsymbol{A}\) with \(\left\vert E \right\vert = m\) rows and \(\left\vert \mathcal{P} \right\vert = p\) columns. Each entry \(a_{ij}=\mathbb{I} [e_i \in e(P_j)]\). Let \(\boldsymbol{f} \in \mathbb{R} ^{p}\) be the path flow vector, \(\boldsymbol{c} \in \mathbb{R} ^ m\) be the edge capacity vector, then the primal is,
Let \(\boldsymbol{y} \in \mathbb{R} ^{m}\) be the vector of \(y_e\)’s, then the dual is
which is consistent with our notation in the last section.
If we add integer constraint \(y_e \in \left\{ 0,1 \right\}\), then the objective \(\sum _{e} c(e) y_e\) is a edge selection problem to minimize the total capacity, and the constraints \(\sum_{e: e \in e(P)} y_e \le 1\) implies that at least one edge is selected along every \(s-t\) path. In other words, we want to find minimum number of edges to disconnect \(s\) and \(t\), which is exactly the min-cut problem.
If \(y_e \in \mathbb{R}\), then it is a relaxation to the integer constraint \(y_e \in \left\{ 0, 1 \right\}\). Call this problem LP-cut, we say LP-cut is a relaxation of min-cut.
Since the feasible solutions to min-cut are integers, we call them integral solutions. The solutions to the LP-cut are called fractional solutions.
By the strong duality theorem, we have \(OPT(\text{LP-flow} ) = OPT(\text{LP-cut})\). To sum up, we have
We have shown that \(OPT(\text{max-flow} ) = OPT(\text{min-cut} )\) in the max-flow section. Hence the inequality \(\le\) above should be equality \(=\). Let’s not use this fact, but just analyze this inequality itself.
Integrality Gap¶
Claim: The integrality gap between min-cut and LP-cut is 1
We can prove a stronger condition: there exists an efficient algo that given any optimal fractional solution to \(OPT_{LP}\), it returns an integral feasible solution whose cost is not higher than \(OPT_{LP}\) (i.e., LP-rounding algorithm).
View \(y_e \in \mathbb{R}\) as the length of edge \(e\). The distance \(d(u,v)\) is the length of shortest \(u-v\) path under \(y_e\) edge length. Recall the LP-cut problem
The constraints says that the distance of any \(s-t\) path is at least one.
To find an efficient algorithm, consider a value \(\rho \in (0,1)\), which defines a cut \((A_\rho, B_\rho)\), such that
\(A_\rho = \left\{ v \mid d(s,v) \le \rho \right\}\)
\(B_\rho = \left\{ v \mid d(s,v) > \rho \right\} = V \backslash A_\rho\)
Since \(d(s,t) \ge 1 > \rho\), then \(t \in B_\rho\).
\(v(\rho) = c(A_\rho, B_\rho) = \sum _{u \in A_\rho, v\in B_\rho} c(u,v)\).
\(\rho^* = \arg\min _\rho v(\rho)\)
\((A^*, B^*) = (A_{\rho ^*}, B_{\rho ^*})\)
Question: how to find \(\rho^*\) efficiently? Note that most of the cuts are the same, though they corresponds to different \(\rho\) values. We can sort vertices by \(d(s,v)\) such that
The number of different cuts is actually \(n-1\). We can set cutoffs to be \(\rho_i = d(s,v_i)\) where \(i = 1, 2, \ldots\) until it is closest to 1. Then any \(\rho \in [\rho_i, \rho_{i+1})\) always gives the same cut.
We want to prove \(v(\rho^*) = c(A^*, B^*) \le \sum_{e} c(e)y_e\). A sufficient condition is
where \(\rho\) is chosen uniformly at random from \((0,1)\). Note the LHS is
Thus, it remains to show \(\operatorname{\mathbb{P}} \left\{ e \in E(A_\rho, B_\rho) \right\}\le y_e\). Suppose \(e=(u, v)\), consider the probability.
If \(d(s, u) < d(s, v)\), then the event \(\left\{ e \in E(A_\rho, B_\rho) \right\}\) happens iff \(d(s,u)\le \rho < d(s,v)\), with probability \(d(s, v)-d(s, u)\), which is less than or equal to the edge length \(y_e\).
If \(d(s, u) \ge d(s, v)\), then the event \(\left\{ e \in E(A_\rho, B_\rho) \right\}\) is impossible, i.e. \(\operatorname{P} \left\{ e \in E(A_\rho, B_\rho) \right\}=0\)
Hence, the probability is always less than \(y_e\), which proves that we can find \(\rho^*\) efficiently such that the resulting cut \(c(A^*, B^*)\) (integral solution) gives value no larger than the LP-cut value.