Data Issues


  • preprocessing link

Missing Values


An entry \(x_{ij}\) can be missing due to various reasons.

Completely at Random

Missing completely at random (MCAR) means for each variable \(j\), every entry is equally likely to be missing

\[ \operatorname{P} (x_{ij} \text{ is missing} ) = p_j \]

Then we have a smaller sample. This will increase the standard errors of estimators (lower precision), but it does not cause bias.

At Random

Missing at random (MAR) means that the probability of missing can also depend on some attributes of the subject, say other values \(x_{i, -j}\)

\[ \operatorname{P} (x_{ij} \text{ is missing} ) = f(x_{i, -j}) \]

Not at Random

Missing not at random (MNAR) means that the probability of missing can depends on some unobservable variables \(Z_{ij}\)

\[ \operatorname{P} (x_{ij} \text{ is missing} ) = f(z_{ij}) \]

Depends on Response

The probability of missing depends on the value of \(y\).

In this case, in the missing data, the relation estimated from the observed data may not hold.


Imputation means how we fill the missing entries.


Simple drop observation \(i\) if any entry \(x_{ij}\) is missing. This is acceptable when in MAR, MCAR and when the missing is infrequent.

By Mean or Mode

We can impute \(x_{ij}\) by the column mean \(\bar{x}_{\cdot j}\) or column mode. But if \(x_{ij}\) is deterministic on other variables, then after imputation this dependent relation does not hold.

By Regression

Suppose \(X_j\) is deterministic on other explanatory variables \(X_{-j}\), we can estimate this relation by regression \(x_j\) over all other explanatory variables to maintain this dependent relation in the imputed data.


Clearly, this method increases multicollinearity among the variables, measured by \(\operatorname{VIF}_j\). In general, in linear regression, after imputation

  • \(\left\vert \hat{\beta}_j \right\vert\) decreases

  • \(\hat{\sigma}^2\) increases

By EM Algorithm

We treat the missing entires as latent variables, and use EM algorithm to impute the values.

  1. Make initial guess of missing values

  2. Iterate

    • Find maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters \(\theta\) of the assumed joint distribution of the variables, using all data \((x_{miss}, x_{obs})\)

    • Update missing values \(x_{miss}\) by conditional expectation \(\mathbb{E} [x_{miss} \mid x_{obs}, \theta]\)

Imbalanced Data

  • up/down sampling to make them balance in the data set

    • Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)

  • up/down weighting in the loss function


Some model or methods assume normality of data. If some variables are not from normal distribution, we can try to transform them to normal.


When will we use standardization?

  • For algorithms using Euclidean distance, e.g. k-means

  • For dimension reduction method involves variance, e.g. PCA

  • For gradient descent, to reduce noise in the trajectory