Weighted Interval Scheduling



A set of \(n\) jobs. For each job \(j\), it has start time \(s_j\) and finish time \(f_j\), and profit \(p_j \ge 0\).


Maximize total profit of scheduled jobs.


No two scheduled jobs can overlap.


For now, we compute total profit of the solution.

Sort jobs by finish time \(f_j\) from smallest to biggest. We obtain a sorted set of job indices \(J = \left\{ j_1, \ldots, j_n \right\}\) such that \(f_{j_1} \le f_{j_2}, \ldots, \le f_{j_n}\).

The subproblem can be on \(J_k = \left\{ {j_1, \ldots, j_k} \right\}\).

Let \(P()\) be the total profit of a set of jobs. For the last job \(j_k\) in \(J_k\), consider two cases.

  • \(j_k\) is not included, then the total profit is \(P(J_{k}) = P(J_{k-1})\)

  • \(j_k\) is included. Let \(J ^\prime _k \subseteq J_k\) be all jobs that don’t overlap with \(j_k\). Then the total profit is \(P(J^\prime _k) + p_k\)

Let \(i_k\) be the largest job index in \(J_k\) that does not overlap with \(j_k\).

\[ i_k = \underset{f_i \le s_{j_k}}{\operatorname{argmax}} \, i \]

The iterative relation is

\[P(J_k) = \max \left\{ P(J_{k-1}), P(J_{i_k}) + p_k \right\}\]


Define a DP table with \(k\)-th entry \(T_k\) being the optimal profit of to the problem on \(J_k\).

  • Initialize \(T_0 = 0\)

  • For \(1 \le k \le n\), find \(i_k\)

  • For \(1 \le k \le n\), compute

    \[T_k = \max \left\{ T_{k-1}, T_{i_k} + p_k \right\}\]
  • Return \(T_n\)


  • Sorting: \(O(n \log n)\)

  • For every job \(k\), compute \(i_k\). Total \(O(n^2)\), can be optimized to \(O(n)\).

  • Table

    • \(O(n)\) entries

    • \(O(1)\) time per entry to compute the entry value

Total \(O(n \log n)\).


One can store the solution in the algorithm. For instance, store the choice in the \(\max\) comparison, if choose the second one then append job \(p_k\) to a list, or just record \(k\) in every step and then do indexing on \(J\).

Another way is to start from \(T_n\), and compare \(T_{n-1}\),

  • if same then go to entry \(T_{n-1}\)

  • if different, pop out \(p_n\), and then go to entry \(T_{i_k}\)

Repeat until go to \(T_0\).