Application to Density Fitting

Discriminators and Generators


Consider two \(p\)-dimensional random variables \(X \sim P_X, Y \sim P_Y\), we want to find a discriminator function \(D\) to discriminate the two distributions, by the objective

\[ \max_{D}\ \mathbb{E} _{X \sim P_X}[D(X)] - \mathbb{E} _{Y \sim P_Y}[D(Y)] \]

where \(D\) satisfies certain constraints, e.g. the above cost is bounded.


Consider a random variable \(X \sim P_X\), where \(P_X\) is the ‘push-forward’ measure of base measure \(P_0\) on \(\mathcal{Z}\), via transformation \(T: \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}\).

\[ P_X(\left\{ x \in A \right\}):= P_0 (T ^{-1} (A)) \]

In this case, \(T\) is a generator. Usually spaces \(\mathcal{Z}\) and \(\mathcal{X}\) are high-dimensional. Benefits of representing \(P\) as a pushforward measure is that we can calculate expectation of \(X\) efficiently.

We can represent \(D\) and \(T\) as neural networks \(D_\phi\), \(T_\psi\) with some parameters \(\phi, \psi\).

Normalizing Flow

If \(T\) is invertible, then

\[ P_X(x) = P_0 (T ^{-1} (x)) \left\vert \operatorname{det} J _{T ^{-1}} (x) \right\vert \]

where \(J _{T ^{-1}}\) is the Jacobbian of \(T ^{-1}\).

To sample from \(\mathcal{X}\), we can sample from \(\mathcal{Z}\). To comput the expectation of a function \(f(X)\), we can use the approximation

\[ \mathbb{E} _{X \in P_X}[f(X)] \approx \sum_{Z_i \in P_0} f(T(Z_i)) \]

Density fitting

Given a sample distribution \(P_X\), we want to fit it by \(P_T\), by minimizing the distance between them. The distance measure can be KL diverggence, or 1-Wasserstein distance.

Note that we can write \(P_X(x)\) as (generalize) density using delta function and the observations \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\).

\[ P_X(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_{x_i}(x) \]

where \(\delta_{x_i}(x) = \delta(x - x_i)\). An useful property of delta function is that \(\int \delta_{x_i}(x) g(x)\mathrm{~d} x = g(x_i)\).

By KL Divergence

The objective is

\[ \min_{T}\ \operatorname{KL}(P_X, P_T) \]


\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \operatorname{KL}(P, P_T) &= \mathbb{E} _{X \in P}[\log P(X)] - \mathbb{E} _{X \in P}[\log P_T(X)]\\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The first term is a constant, hence the problem is to minimize the second term, which is

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} - \mathbb{E} _{X \in P}[\log P_T(X)] &= - \int P_X(x) \log P_T(x)\mathrm{~d} x\\ &= - \sum_{i=1}^n \int \delta_{x_i}(x) \log P_T(x)\mathrm{~d} x\\ &= - \sum_{i = 1}^m \log \left[ P_T(x_i) \right] \\ &= - \sum_{i = 1}^m \log \left[ P_0 (T ^{-1} (x_i)) \left\vert \operatorname{det} J _{T ^{-1}} (x) \right\vert \right] \\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The last equality is from normalizing flow. We can then represetn the function \(T ^{-1}\) by a NN and solve this optimization problem by SGD.

By 1-Wasserstein Distance

To approximate \(P\) by \(P_T\), the objective is

\[ \min_{T}\ W_1 (P, P_T) \]


\[\begin{split} W_1(P, P_T) = \inf_{\pi \in \mathcal{\Pi} } \int \left\| x - y \right\| \pi(x, y) \mathrm{~d}x \mathrm{~d} y\\ \end{split}\]

It can be shown that the dual form is

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} W_1 (P, P_T)= \sup_{D \text{ is 1-Lipschitz} } \int D (x) P(x) \mathrm{~d} x - \int D (y) P_T(y) \mathrm{~d} y \\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

We can then parameterize \(D \leftarrow D_\phi\), \(T \leftarrow T_\psi\) by NN. Substituting the generalized density function \(P(x) = \sum_{i=1} \delta _{x_i}(x)\) and \(P_{T_\psi}(x) = \sum_{i=1} \delta _{T_\psi(z_i)}(x)\), the problem becomes

\[\begin{split} \min_{\psi}\ \max_{\phi}\ \sum_i D_\phi (x_i) - \sum_i D_\phi (T_\psi(z_i)) \\ \end{split}\]

The parameters \(\phi\) and \(\psi\) can be updated alternatively.


If we parameterize the function \(P_X(x)\) by \(P_\theta (x)\), e.g. \(P_\theta(x) = \sigma(\boldsymbol{\theta} ^{\top} x + \theta_0)\), to sample from \(P_\theta (x)\), we need MCMC, but it is hard to know when it converges.

Using a generator to approximate \(P_X\) is a popular alternative recently. We can efficiently sample from \(\mathcal{Z}\), and use normalizing flow to compute \(\mathbb{E} _{X \sim P_X}[X]\).

Scientific Applications


Suppose there is a physical process model by PDE with some parameter \(a\). Given \(a\), there is a solution \(u_a\). We want to learn a forward mapping \(F: a \rightarrow u_a\), or a backward mapping \(B: u_a \rightarrow a\).

Applying NN, we can parameterize \(F \leftarrow F_\phi\), \(B \leftarrow B_\psi\).

Current research problem:

  • how to specify the NN architecture?

  • generalizable? scalable?


Suppose there is some high-dimensional PDE, e.g. Fokker-Planck, many body shrodinger, etc. We can parameterize some functions therein as NN.