
Definition (Matching)

In graph \(G=(V,E)\), an edge set \(M \subseteq E\) is a matching in \(G\), if no two edges in \(M\) share a common vertex. That is, every vertex in \((V, M)\) can only have one edge.

We call a vertex \(v\in V\) matched w.r.t. \(M\) if it is an endpoint of some edge \(e\in M\).

A matching \(M\) is called perfect, if all vertices \(V\) of \(G\) is matched. That is, every vertex \(v \in V\) is an endpoint of one and only one edge \(e \in M\).

Definition (Maximum Matching)

A matching \(M\) is a maximum matching in \(G\), it it contains the largest possible number of edges among all matchings of \(G\).

Many matching problems can reduce to max-flow problems.

Maximum Bipartite Matching

Definition (Bipartite graph)

A graph is called a bipartite graph if its vertices are partitioned into two subsets, and every edge has one endpoint in one subset, and on in the other.


Consider a job assignment problem. There are a set \(J\) of jobs and set \(M\) of machines. For each job \(j \in J\), we are given a subset \(M_j\subseteq M\) of machines that are capable to process the job \(j\). We would like to assign as many jobs as possible to machines, subject to the constraint that each machine is assigned at most one job.

Reduction to Bipartite Matching

We can build a graph \(G=(V,E)\) modeling this problem.

  • \(V\) consists of two disjoint subsets \(X\) and \(Y\)

    • \(X\) contains vertex \(x_j\) for each job \(j\)

    • \(Y\) contains vertex \(y_i\) for each machine \(i\)

  • There is an edge \(e(i,j)\) if machine \(i\) can process job \(j\)


An optimal assignment of jobs to machines is a maximum matching in \(G\)

Indeed, every assignment of jobs to machines assigns every job to at most one machine, and every machine processes at most one job, which translates the assignment directly to a matching of \(G\). As a result, if we solve the maximum matching problem in bipartite graphs, we will solve the assignment problem too.

Reduction to Max-flow

We are going to solve the maximum bipartite matching problem by reducing it to an instance of maximum flow problem. First, construct a graph \(G_2\) as follows

  • direct all edges from \(X\) towards \(Y\), assign capacity \(1\)

  • add a source vertex \(s\), and directed edges \(e(s, x_j)\) with capacity \(1\)

  • add a sink vertex \(t\), and directed edges \(e(y_i, t)\) with capacity \(1\)

  • Any matching of size \(z\) in \(G\) gives a flow of value \(z\) in \(G_2\)

  • Any integral flow of value \(z\) in \(G_2\) gives a matching of size \(z\) in \(G\)

Due to this one-one correspondence, as a corollary, a maximum integral flow in \(G_2\) gives a maximum bipartite matching in \(G\). And, since we can compute the maximum integral flow in \(G_2\) efficiently, this gives us an algorithm for computing maximum bipartite matching in \(G\).

Bipartite \(b\)-matching


Now suppose every vertex \(x \in X\) can take \(b(x) \ge 1\) edges towards \(Y\).

Definition (Bipartite \(b\)-matching)


  • a bipartite graph \(G = (V, E)\) where \(V = (X,Y)\)

  • a function \(b: X \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} _{\ge 0}\)

a subset \(M \subseteq E\) of edges is called a \(b\)-matching, if

  • every vertex \(y\in Y\) is an endpoint of at most 1 edge in \(M\)

  • every vertex \(x\in X\) is an endpoint of at most \(b(x)\) edges in \(M\)

Reduction to Max-flow

Likewise, we can construct a graph \(G_2\), but this time we change the capacities of edges that go from source \(s\) to vertex \(x \in X\) from \(1\) to \(b(x)\), for every \(x \in X\).

  • Any \(b\)-matching of size \(z\) in \(G\) gives a flow of value \(z\) in \(G_2\)

  • Any integral flow of value \(z\) in \(G_2\) gives a \(b\)-matching of size \(z\) in \(G\)


We can let each \(y\in Y\) take up to \(b(y)\) edges from \(X\). That is, the function \(b\) becomes \(b: V \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}\). Consequently, to solve this, in \(G_2\) we change the capacities of edges that go from vertex \(y \in Y\) to sink \(t\) from \(1\) to \(b(y)\), for every \(y \in Y\).

Matching in \(d\)-regular Bipartite Graph

Definition (\(d\)-regular graph)

A graph \(G=(V,E)\) is called \(d\)-regular for \(d \ge 0\), if every vertex has the same degree \(\operatorname{deg}(v) = d\).

A \(d\)-regular bipartite graph is a bipartite graph where every vertex \(x \in X\) take \(d\) edges towards \(Y\), and vice versa. It turns out that a \(d\)-regular bipartite graph has a lot of different perfect matchings.

Claim (Existence of perfect matching)

Let \(G = (X, Y, E)\) be a \(d\)-regular bipartite graph with \(\left\vert X \right\vert = \left\vert Y \right\vert = n\). Then \(G\) contains at least one perfect matching.

Proof: A perfect matching can be obtained by constructing \(G_2\) with all capacities being 1. can run Ford-Fulkerson algorithm on \(G_2\) like in the above sections to obtain a flow of value \(n\), which corresponds to a perfect matching.

Claim (Union of matchings)

Every \(d\)-regular bipartite graph \(G=(X,Y,E)\) is a union of \(d\) disjoint perfect matchings.

Proof: We can use the above method to find a perfect matching \(M\), and delete all its edges from \(G\), then obtain \(G-M\). It is easy to see that \(G-M\) is a \((d-1)\) bipartite graph. We can repeat this process until no edges are left, and then we get \(d\) disjoint perfect matchings in total.