\(P\) and \(NP\)

We introduce class \(P\), \(NP\) and related concepts. We focus on decision version rather than optimization version of problems which are convenient for discussion.

Let \(s\) be a string that encodes some problem input (e.g. a formula \(\phi\) in SAT, a graph \(G\) and integer \(k\) in IS). For a problem \(x\), some string leads to answer yes, others no. Let \(X\) be a set of “yes” string:

\[X = \left\{ s \mid s \text{ is a valid encoding of a "yes-instance" of problem } x \right\}\]

Now we define previous problems as a set of yes-instance strings.

\[SAT = \left\{ s \mid s \text{ encodes a satisfiable SAT formula $\phi$} \right\}\]
\[IS = \left\{ s \mid s \text{ encodes an integer $k$ and a graph $G$ who has an IS of size $k$ }\right\}\]


Definition (Efficient algorithm for problem \(X\))

We say \(A\) is an efficient algorithm for problem \(X\) iff there is a function \(f:\mathbb{R} ^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R} ^+\), \(f(n)\le \operatorname{Poly}(n)\), such that on input \(s\) of length \(n_s\), algorithm \(A\)

  • runs for at most \(f(n_s)\) time steps, and

  • returns “yes” iff \(s\) is a valid encoding of a problem instance of \(X\), i.e. \(s\in X\).

Definition (Class \(P\))

Class \(P\) is all problems that have efficient algorithms.


There is no efficient algorithm for problems 3SAT, IS, VC, SC, so they are not in \(P\). But for a proposed solution to such problem, it is easy to check whether it is a valid solution or not.

Definition (Verifier for problem \(X\))

A verifier for problem \(X\) is an efficient algorithm with inputs

  • string \(s\) that encodes problem instance \(x\), and

  • string \(t\), aka certificate or proof, which is usually a proposed solution

and returns yes or no. “Efficient” means the run time is \(\operatorname{Poly}(\left\vert s \right\vert + \left\vert t \right\vert)\).

Definition (Valid verifier for problem \(X\))

An efficient algorithm \(A\) is a valid verifier for problem \(X\) if there is a function \(g: \mathbb{R} ^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R} ^+\), \(g(n)\le \operatorname{Poly}(n)\) such that for all \(s\):

  • if \(s\in X\), then there exists a certificate \(t\) with length \(\left\vert t \right\vert \le g(\left\vert s \right\vert)\) such that given \(s\) and \(t\), algorithm \(A(s,t)\) returns “yes” (accept);

  • else \(s\notin X\), then for any certificate \(t\) with length \(\left\vert t \right\vert\le g(\left\vert s \right\vert)\), verifier \(A\) returns “no” (reject).

Definition (Class \(NP\))

Non-deterministic polynomial, denoted \(NP\), is a class of all problems for which a valid verifier exists. The name “non-deterministic” means a non-deterministic Turing machine can describe this class of problems in polynomial time.

For instance, 3SAT, IS, VC, and SC are in class \(NP\).


Every problem in \(P\) belongs to \(NP\), i.e. \(P \subseteq NP\).

Proof: Given input \(s\) and \(t\), the verifier ignores \(t\), solve problem instance \(s\) and accepts or reject accordingly.

There are many \(NP\) problems, 3SAT, IS, VC and \(SC\) are some of them.

  • Question 1: \(NP \subseteq P\) ? Or \(NP = P\)?

    It is believed the answer is NO. Some intuitions:

    • If yes, then there are many good consequences that are to good to be true

    • Solving a problem should be harder than verifying its solution

  • Question 2: We have seen polynomial reduction of \(NP\) problems \(\text{3SAT} \le_p \text{IS} \le_p \text{VC} \le_p \text{SC}\), where \(\text{SC}\) is the “hardest” one among the four. Is there a “hardest” problem in \(NP\)?

    This leads to the definition of \(NP\)-hard problems and \(NP\)-complete problems.

\(NP\)-hard and \(NP\)-complete

Definition (Class \(NP\)-hard)

A problem \(X\) is in class \(NP\)-hard if for any \(Y\in NP\), it reduces to \(X\). Formally, \(\forall\, Y \in NP, Y \le_p X\).

Definition (Class \(NP\)-complete)

A problem \(X\) is in class \(NP\)-complete if \(X \in NP\) and \(X\) is \(NP\)-hard. Formally

\[ X \in NP \text{ and } \forall\, Y \in NP, Y \le_p X\]

Note that there are some \(NP\)-hard problem \(X\) that is not in NP. We can say that such \(X\) is even “harder” then \(NP\), such that any hard problem in \(NP\) reduces to it, but itself is not in (or harder than) \(NP\).

The below Venn’s Diagram should be helpful to understand the relation of these definitions.

Fig. 31 Relation between \(P, NP\) and related concepts

  • Let \(X\) be an \(NP\)-complete problem, then \(P=NP\) iff there is an efficient algorithm for \(X\).

  • Let \(X\) be an \(NP\)-hard problem, then \(P=NP\) if there is an efficient algorithm for \(X\). Reverse does not hold.

To prove a problem \(Y\) is \(NP\)-complete, we can use one of the following method,

  • Method 1: Prove \(Y\in NP\) and \(Y\) is \(NP\)-hard (definition of \(NP\)-complete)

  • Method 2: Prove \(Y \in NP\), and find an \(NP\)-complete problem \(X\) such that \(X \le_p Y\) (use transitivity polynomial reduction)

Method 2 is usually used. But how to find an \(NP\)-complete problem \(X\)?

Theorem (Cook-Levin)

SAT is a \(NP\)-complete problem.

Idea: use the SAT formula to encode the run of the non-deterministic Turing machine.

Therefore, SAT can be used as the \(NP\)-complete problem \(X\) necessary in Method 2.

3SAT is \(NP\)-complete


3SAT is \(NP\)-complete.


IS, VC, SC are \(NP\)-complete.


E3SAT is also \(NP\)-complete.

\(k\)-coloring is \(NP\)-complete

We first introduce the \(k\)-coloring problem: Given a graph \(G\), assign to each vertex one of \(k\) colors, such that no adjacent vertices are assigned the same colors.

Decision version: Given a graph, is it \(k\)-colorable?

For instance, bipartite graph is 2-colorable. To find whether a graph is 2-colorable, we can find if it is a bipartite graph, initialize two sets, start from one vertex iteratively put neighbors to the opposite set. Check if there is a contradiction:

  • one vertex is in both sets.

  • two vertices in a set are adjacent.

If there is, then the graph is not 2-colorable.

But 3-coloring is \(NP\)-complete.