Semi-supervised Learning

(Figure credits: Jerry Zhu ICML 2007 tutorial unless otherwise indicated)

We often have access to a small amount of labeled data plus a large amount of unlabeled data.

Why not just get more labeled data?

  • Some labeled data is easy to get more of, e.g. tagged images

  • Some is expensive/time consuming/difficult/unethical to get:

    • Medical measurements (e.g. scans, neural recordings)

    • Phonetic transcription of speech: roughly 400x real time, requires experts

    • Text parsing: takes years to collect a few 1000 sentences’ worth

We introduce semi-supervised learning techniques for classification tasks.


  • Input \(x\), label \(y\)

  • Function to be learned: \(f:\mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}\)

  • Labeled data of size \(\ell\): \((\mathcal{X}_\ell, \mathcal{Y}_\ell) = \left\{ (x_{1:\ell}, y_{1:\ell}) \right\}\)

  • Unlabeled data \(\mathcal{X}_u = \left\{ x_{\ell + 1:n} \right\}\), where \(\ell \ll n\)

  • Test data \(\mathcal{X}_{test} = \left\{ x_{n+1:} \right\}\)

If we have labeled data, how can unlabeled data help?

Unlabeled data tells us something about the distribution of the data, and therefore where “reasonable” class boundaries may be.

Fig. 39 Unlabeled data tells us about the “true” boundary.

Types of Semi-sup Learning

  • Transductive learning

    Goal is to label the unlabeled training data (only. not necessary learn a labeling function). Aka label propagation.

  • Inductive learning (semi-supervised learning)

    Goal is to learn a function that can be applied to new test data.

  • Weak labels/distant supervision

    We have labels, but they are not exactly for the target task.

    • pairs from “Same/different” class, instead of class labels

    • subset of latent variables labeled but not all (e.g. object category in an image, but not boundaries of that object)

    • “downstream” labels (e.g. click-through counts instead of search result correctness)


Pre-train representation of unlabeled data, and use that representation along with the labeled data to learn a predictor.

For instance,

  1. train PCA using unlabeled data \(\mathcal{X}_u\)

  2. use the trained PCA to obtain representation \(\mathcal{Z}_\ell\) of labeled data \(\mathcal{X} _\ell\)

  3. use \(\mathcal{Z}_\ell\) and \(\mathcal{Y}_\ell\) to train SVM.

Multi-task learning

Add an unlabeled loss term to a labeled loss.



  • Train classifier \(f\) over labeled data \(\left( \mathcal{X} _\ell, \mathcal{Y} _\ell \right)\)

  • Predict on some unlabeled data \(x_u \in \mathcal{X}_u\)

  • Augmentation: Add some \((x_u, f(x_u))\) to labeled data set such that \(\left( \mathcal{X}_\ell \cup \left\{ x_u \right\} _\ell, \mathcal{Y} _\ell \cup \left\{ f(x_u) \right\} \right)\).

  • Repeat

Note that

  • This is a type of “wrapper” technique: can be used with any type of learning algorithm for \(f\).

  • Typically, only \((x_u, f(x_u))\) pairs with high confidence (e.g. probability) are used.

Pros and Cons


  • Very simple

  • A “wrapper” method: Can be applied with any existing classifier

  • Has had some real-world successes (e.g. in speech recognition)


  • Very risky: Can easily diverge if some early mistakes are made such that the augmented labeled set is contaminated.

  • Little theoretical understanding

Semi-supervised Generative Models

Labeled Data Only

Suppose the labeled data are categorical. We can then train a generative model, with one Gaussian per class. That is, for each class, the generative model is

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} p(x, y \mid \theta) &=p(y \mid \theta) p(x \mid y, \theta) \\ &=w_{y} \mathcal{N}\left(x ; \mu_{y}, \Sigma_{y}\right) \end{aligned} \end{split}\]

Which can be trained by maximum likelihood (closed-form solution).

In prediction, for a new data point \(x_{\text{test} }\), we classify by finding the label with maximum probability \(p(y \mid x_{\text{test} }, \theta)=\frac{p(x_{\text{test} }, y \mid \theta)}{\sum_{y^{\prime}} p\left(x_{\text{test} }, y^{\prime} \mid \theta\right)}\).

Fig. 40 Train a Gaussian for each class

Available Unlabeled Data

Suppose now we have unlabeled data as below. Clearly, the classifier boundaries above are not accurate.

Fig. 41 Labeled and unlabeled data.

To improve it, we can do MLE using both labeled and unlabeled data. The joint log-likelihood is

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \log p\left(\mathcal{X} _{\ell}, \mathcal{Y} _{\ell}, \mathcal{X} _{u} \mid \theta\right) &=\sum_{i=1}^{\ell} \log p\left(y_{i} \mid \theta\right) p\left(x_{i} \mid y_{i}, \theta\right) \\ &+\sum_{j=\ell+1}^{\ell+u} \log \left(\sum_{y} p(y \mid \theta) p\left(x_{j} \mid y, \theta\right)\right) \end{aligned} \end{split}\]

where on RHS

  • the first term is log-likelihood for labeled data

  • the second term is log-likelihood for unlabeled data, assume it from mixtures Gaussian.

Now we have hidden variables (labels of \(x_u\)), so we can use EM. Same as EM for general Gaussian mixture learning, but some of the latent variables (component assignments) are hard labels while the rest are posteriors (as usual).

This method

  • Can be applied to other generative models, e.g. hidden Markov models (speech, text, video, other time series)

  • Amounts to doing EM for the appropriate model, treating unseen labels as latent variables.

cf. Gaussian Mixtures

Gaussian mixtures are clustering models. Given \(\mathcal{X} _u\), and number of class, say \(k\), then we can train Gaussian mixtures to learn \(k\) distribution functions for \(\mathcal{X} _u\). However, we don’t know the mapping from cluster index to the class index – given a new data point \(x_{\text{test} }\), we cannot do classification.

Labeled data help to find such mapping.

Pros and Cons

Semi-supervised generative models inherit many of the qualities of generative models

  • If the model is a good fit to the data, can be very effective

  • Provides an intuitive, clear probabilistic interpretation

  • But, doesn’t work well if we don’t have an accurate generative model for the unlabeled data

  • And, sometimes we’d rather classify with a non-generative model


Clustering techniques can be used for classification. Suppose there are \(k\) categories. Algorithms are:

  1. Cluster all labeled and unlabeled features \(\mathcal{X} _\ell \cup \mathcal{X} _u\) to \(k\) clusters.

  2. For each proposed cluster, we need to find a mapping to the true class. One greedy method is to find the majority label in that cluster.

This makes fewer assumptions about the data distribution (unlike generative models), but also more unstable.

Graph-based Algorithms

Some data don’t fit simple generative models, and more complex generative models are hard to learn. We can use graph-based algorithms. Here we introduce a label propagation algorithm via random walk.

Fig. 42 An example of graph-based labeled and unlabeled data.

Like graph-based dimensionality reduction methods, we create an induced graph from the data set. Assume binary data. The algorithm is

  1. Start from any node \(i\) and walk to node \(j\) with probability \(\frac{w_{ij}}{\sum _{k \in N(i)} w_{ik}}\)

  2. Repeat until walk to a labeled node

  3. Repeat many times, and the probability of hitting a label-1 node is regarded as the posterior probability of class 1 for node \(i\).

Another method to compute this probability value is

  1. Initialize \(f(x_i)=y_i\) for labeled nodes, and 0 for unlabeled nodes

  2. For all unlabeled nodes \(i\), update \(f(x_{i})=\frac{\sum_{j \in N(i)} w_{i j} f\left(x_{j}\right)}{\sum_{j \in N(i)} w_{i j}}\). Repeat until convergence.

Essentially, at each iteration, we take the weighted average over the neighbors.

The \(f(\cdot)\) values can alternatively be computed via an eigenproblem on the graph Laplacian.

Pros and Cons


  • Better than graph-based cluster-then-label method since it consider labels into the loss function.


  • Transductive method, no out-of-sample prediction.

  • Some original labels might be wrong, or we might be dealing with outliers


  • Allow labeled points to be “relabeled” with some penalty

  • Define a kernel that approximates the graph similarity

  • Taken together, these extensions are referred to as “manifold regularization”

For more details, see Zhu’s tutorial.

Multi-view Algorithms: Co-Training

[Blum & Mitchell 1998]

The feature vector can be naturally split into two views \(x = [x^{(1)} x^{(2)}]\). E.g., \(x^{(1)}=\) image pixels, \(x^{(2)} =\) text description. We train two classifiers, one for each view. The idea is: The two classifiers “supervise” each other; when one is unconfident, hopefully the other one is.


  • \(x^{(1)}\) or \(x^{(2)}\) alone suffices for good classification, given enough data

  • \(x^{(1)}\) and \(x^{(2)}\) are independent given the class label

Fig. 43 Two views, each suffices for good classification, and independent of each other given the class label


  • Train two classifiers, \(f^{(1)}\) from \((\mathcal{X} ^{(1)}_\ell,\mathcal{Y} _\ell)\) and \(f^{(2)}\) from \((\mathcal{X} ^{(2)},\mathcal{Y} _\ell)\).

  • Classify two views of \(\mathcal{X} _u\) with each \(f^{(i)}\) separately

  • Add the \(k\) most-confident \((x_u,f^{(1)}(x_u))\) pairs to \(f^{(2)}\)’s labeled data

  • Add the \(k\) most-confident \((x_u,f^{(2)}(x_u))\) pairs to \(f^{(1)}\)’s labeled data

  • Repeat


  • Co-EM: Add all unlabeled data at each step, not just the top k, with some probability based on the confidence

  • Create multiple random (fake) feature splits (features are relevant but redundant)

  • Generalized multi-view

    • No feature split at all

    • Just train multiple classifiers of different types

    • Classify the unlabeled data with all of the classifiers

    • Add majority vote label

Pros and Cons


  • Wrapper method: Can be wrapped around any existing classifier and learning algorithm

  • If the assumptions holds, it works very well

  • Has theoretical proof


  • The assumptions are not often satisfied


Semi-supervised variants of specific methods

e.g. semi-supervised SVM (S3VM)