Largest Sum Subsequence

LeetCode 300



A sequence of \(n\) numbers \(A = (a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)\), where \(a_n \in \mathbb{R}\).


Find a continuous subsequence that has the largest sum.


Special cases:

  • If the array contains all non-negative numbers, then the problem is trivial; a maximum subarray is the entire array.

  • If the array contains all non-positive numbers, then a solution is any subarray of size 1 containing the maximal value of the array (or the empty subarray, if it is permitted).

A continuity constrain and the mixture of positive and negative makes this problem a little involved.

Let \(S_k\) be a subsequence ending at \(a_k\) that has the largest sum.

\[ S_k = \underset{1 \le i \le k}{\operatorname{maxsum}} \left\{ S_{[i:k]}\right\} \]

We can consider the last number \(a_k\). To obtina \(S_k\), we can either add it to \(S_{k-1}\), or discard \(S_{k-1}\) and keep only \(a_k\), whichever has a larger sum.

Hence, the iterative relation for \(S_k\) is

\[ S_k = \operatorname{maxsum} \left\{ S_{k-1} \circ a_k, \left\{ a_k \right\} \right\} \]

The corresponding iterative relation for the sum is

\[ C_k = \max \left\{ C_{k-1} + a_k, a_k \right\} \]

so the choice only depends on \(C_{k-1} >0\) or not.

The base case is \(S_1= \left\{ a_1 \right\}\) if \(a_1 > 0\), or \(0\) otherwise.

The final output is NOT \(S_n\). The optimal sequence can end anywhere. Thus,

\[OPT = \operatorname{maxsum} _{1 \le i \le n} \left\{ S_i \right\}\]


The algorithm is

Largest Sum Subsequence

  • Initialize \(C=0, OPT=0\)

  • For \(k=1\) to \(n\), // find \(C_k\)

    • if \(C>0\)

      • \(C = C + a_k\)

    • else

      • \(C = a_k\)

      • \(\text{start} = k\) // record the start index

    • if \(C>OPT\) // find a larger sum

      • \(OPT = C\)

      • \(\text{end} = k\) // record the ending index

  • Return \(OPT, \text{start} , \text{end}\)

The optimal subsequence is \(A_{[\text{start}: \text{end}]}\).

