Maximum Independent Set in Trees

Tags: dynamic programming.

Definition (Independent set of a graph)

A set of vertices \(S\subseteq V\) is an independent set of graph \(G\) if there is no edge between any pair of vertices in \(S\).



Tree \(T\)


An independent set of \(T\) with maximum size.


The subproblem should be on the subgraph.

Q: For a tree, how to defined a subgraph? Is there any natural hierarchical relation in a tree?

A: subtree, child, grand-child, parent

We guess that, for a tree with root \(r\), the maximum independent tree, denoted \(S(r)\), has relation to the subtrees rooted at the children of \(r\).

Besides, it is easy to see that neighbors cannot be in the set. And grand-child reflects this. So \(S(r)\) also has relation to the subtrees rooted at the grand-children of \(r\).

Therefore, the iterative relation for \(S(r)\) is

\[ S(r) = \operatorname{larger} \left\{ \cup S(\text{child}) , (\cup S(\text{grand-child})) \cup \left\{ r \right\} ) \right\} \]

Note that in the first case, the root itself is not in the set.

The DP table has \(n\) entries. Each entry corresponds to a node \(u\), and stores the size of the maximum independent set of the tree rooted at \(u\), i.e. \(\left\vert S(u) \right\vert\).


Let entry \(A_u\) be the size of the largest independent set of subtree rooted at node \(u\).

  • Initialization: \(A_u = 1\) for each leaf \(u\).

  • Bottom up in tree \(T\), for each vertex \(u\) such that \(\left\{ A_v \right\}_{v \in T_u }\) are already computed,

\[ A_u = \max \left\{ \sum_{c \in \operatorname{children} (u)} A_c, 1+\sum_{g \in \operatorname{grand-children} (u)} A_g, \right\} \]
  • Return \(A_r\).


The table \(A\) consists of \(n\) entries. For each entry, it takes \(O(n)\) time to compute.

So total is \(O(n^2)\)

There are methods to improve it to \(O(n)\).