Shortest Path


  • A directed complete graph with non-negative edge length \(\ell(e)\).

  • A source vertex \(s\).


Find the shortest path \(P\) between \(s\) and all other vertices

Greedy Algorithm (Dijkstra)

Dijkstra’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm, which maintains a set of vertices \(S\) and update it iteratively. At start, \(S={s}\). If we found a shortest path between \(s\) to a vertex \(u\), then \(u\) is added to \(S\). If \(S=V\), then the algorithm terminates.

Definition (Shortest path from \(s\) to \(u\) w.r.t \(S\))

The shortest path from \(s\) to \(u\) w.r.t. \(S\) is a shortest path such that all vertices along the it \((s,u)\) are in \(S\). The distance is denoted as \(d(u)\).

Let \(d^{\text{opt}}(u)\) be the unconstrained shortest path from \(s\) to \(u\). Then we have

\[ d(u) \ge d^{\text{opt}}(u) \]

The algorithm add \(u\) to \(S\) if the equality is achieved.


The algorithm is

Dijkstra’s algorithm

  • Initialize

    • \(S = \left\{ s \right\}\)

    • \(d(s)=0\)

    • For all other nodes \(u \in V \backslash \left\{ s \right\}\),

      • if \(u\) is an neighbor of \(s\), set \(d(u) = \ell(s,u)\)

      • else set \(d(u) = \infty\)

  • While \(S \ne V\),

    • Find the nearest vertex not in \(S\), i.e., \(u^* = \arg\min _{u \notin S} d(u)\). Add \(u^*\) to \(S\).

    • For each neighbor of \(u^*\) that is not in \(S\), update \(d(u) = \min \left\{ d(u), d(u^*) + \ell(u^*, u) \right\}\)

  • For \(v \in S\), the shortest path from \(s\) to \(v\) are the collection of edges to compute \(d(v)\).


Claim: For every \(u\in S\), we have \(d(u) = d^{\text{opt}}(u)\)

Proof by induction

  • Base: at initialization, \(S = \left\{ s \right\}, d(s) = d^{\text{opt}}(s) = 0\)

  • Step: if the claim holds before adding \(u^*\), then it also holds after adding \(u^*\)

For a newly added note \(u^*\), let \(P_{s,u^*}^{y}\) be any path from \(s\) to \(u^*\) through \(y\notin S\). Since the algorithm select by \(u^* = \arg\min _{u \notin S} d(u)\), we have

\[ d(u^*) \le d(y) \]

By step assumption,

\[ d(y) \le \ell(\text{any other paths from $s$ to $y$}) \]

Let \(\ell_{P}(y,u^*)\) be the path length from \(y\) to \(u^*\) along path \(P_{s,u^*}^{y}\)

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} d(y) + \ell_{P}(y,u^*) &\le \ell(\text{any path from $s$ to $y$}) + \ell_{P}(y,u^*) \\ &\le \ell(\text{any path from $s$ to $y$, then $y$ to $u^*$}) \\ &\le \ell(P_{s,u^*}^{y}) \\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]


\[ d(u^*) \le d(y) \le d(y)+ \ell_{P}(y,u^*) \le \ell(P_{s,u^*}^{y}) \]

for any \(P_{s,u^*}^{y}\). Hence, \(d(u^*) = d^{\text{opt}}(u^*)\)



There are \(n-1\) iterations. In every iteration, the \(\arg\min\) step takes \(O(n)\), and the update takes \(O(n)\).

So total \(O(n^3)\).

Negative Edge

More generally, negative edge are allowed. Dijkstra’s algorithm does not work. The greedy edge may have a larger length than the sum of other two edges.

\[ s \quad \overset{\quad 1 \quad }{\longrightarrow} \quad v \]
\[ 1000 \searrow \qquad \nearrow -1000 \]
\[ u \]

DP-based Algorithm (Bellman-Ford)

If there are negative edges but no negative cycles, then the shortest path problem is not well defined due to negative cycles.

Definition (Negative cycle)

We call a cycle negative if the sum of the weights of the edges in a cycle is negative.

\[ A - \text{negative cycle} - B \]

Then the path can go around the negative cycle for infinite times and have infinitely small length. Hence, out goal change to find the shortest simple path.

Definition (Simple Path)

A path is a simple path if each vertex appears only once, i.e., no cycles.


An Observation

  • If there are no negative cycles, then for every vertex \(v\), there exists a shortest path \(s-v\) that a simple path.


Let \(P\) be any shortest \(s-v\) path. If \(p\) is simple then done. Otherwise, some vertex \(x\) appears more than once on \(P\). Then we can just delete all vertices between any appearances of \(x\) on this path. Since there are no negative cycles, the length of \(P\) does not increase.

\[ s - v_1 - x - [v_2 - \ldots - v_k - x] - v_{k+1} - v \]

Moreover, such path can only contains at most \(\left\vert V \right\vert - 1\) vertices.


We want to store the length and the number of edges from \(s\) to any vertex \(v\) along the shortest path.

For every \(v \in V(G)\) and \(0 \le i \le n\), \(T_{i,v}\) will store the length of shortest \(s-v\) path containing at most \(i\) edges.

Iterative Relation

For \(T_{i,v}\), there are two cases

  • \(P\) contains less than \(i-1\) edges. Then \(T_{i,v} = T_{i-1, v}\)

  • \(P\) contains \(i\) edges. Let the last edge be \((u,v)\), then \(T_{i,v} = \min_{u\ne v} \left\{ T_{i-1, u} + \ell(u,v) \right\}\).

Hence, we have

\[\begin{split} T_{i,v} = \min \left\{\begin{array}{ll} T_{i-1, v} \\ \min_{u\ne v} \left\{ T_{i-1, u} + \ell(u,v) \right\} \end{array}\right\} \end{split}\]

Base cases are

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} T_{0,s} &= 0 \\ T_{0,v} &= \infty \ \forall v \ne s \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Computational Order

For \(i=1, \ldots, n-1\), then for each vertex \(v\).

Run Time

\(O(n^2)\) entries in the DP table, \(O(n)\) table to compute each entry due to \(\min _{u\ne v}\).

Total \(O(n^3)\).

If there are negative cycles

If there are negative cycles, then the Bellman-Ford algorithm still works but it will not stop in \(n-1\) iterations.

It can also be used to detect negative cycle by checking whether \(T_{n,v} = T_{n+1,v}\), and can be used to find the negative cycles.